I want you to know and experience grace. A grace so deep and so wide that it changes you at the core of who you are. A grace so intimate that when you see, hear and watch horrors that unfold in the news what you really see is brokenness, a sin-full world filled with hurting people not politics. AND yes, please, please see the heroes that arise to help. I want that to MOVE you so deeply that you can't help but move toward the the brokenness, suffering, and pain. Don't be afraid of it!
There will also be a time, I am confident, when you will be accused of label(s) that are incorrect. When that "label" is placed on you it might possibly stir something inside of you that you don't expect...maybe anger, maybe hurt, maybe confusions, maybe just sadness and what I want to tell you is to still walk in grace, deep, abounding grace.
All of this is a part of the life we live in a world filled with sin and in need of a Savior.
Graciously and redemptively, God uses these things to make you more like Him...yes, even the barbarity you see on that screen in our living room.
So can I help you with your perspective before you leave our home? Not because my perspective is always right, but infact the opposite...because I have made many mistakes and God is using HIS refining fire to do just that, refine. Dad and I aren't trying to raise you according to pop culture (Pop Culture : Cultural activities or commercial products reflecting, suited to, or aimed at the tastes of the general m./ masses of people. -Webster's Dictionary). Not because it is necessarily a bad thing. Sure, it could be. But so could the flip side of avoiding all culture. Nor are we trying to raise you in a safe bubble. Safe from pain, safe from hurt, safe from broke. No - not that either. Both could actually become idols in your life and serve only to puff you up and you become full of yourself.
We are, however, striving to train you to be in the world and yet not of the world; to see broken people and respond in grace and truth instead of running from it; to be light in darkness; to hear your Savior's voice in a world full if distraction; to not be afraid to be broken if it means you grow closer to your Savior and more like Him.
Addison, as you are on the brink of high school (how can it be already?) this will make the most sense to you and the rub of what this really looks like. It is a rub that is sometimes uncomfortable, painful and just plain hard - Being in and yet not of the world. We desire so deeply for you to be who GOD uniquely created you to be which means beating to the drum your Creator put inside of you. This will look differently for each of you because you are all fearfully and wonderfully made for a specific purpose. With nothing to prove to anyone, you are only living for One. There will always be someone to say you aren't doing the right activities because a different activity is better or more important. Some will say "this" or "that" is too dangerous. Some will say you are crazy to run to the hurt and brokenness of the world. Some will say you need to be more safe. Some will say you aren't involved enough, some will say too much. Others will have an opinion of how you dress, act, speak, what you wear, read and watch. Some will say you wear too much make- up or not enough, they'll say your hair is too long or too short, you don't wear the right shoes , your jeans are too trendy or not trendy enough and the list could go on and on... I know you know.
Let me be clear, I don't care about pop culture or where you fit into it. What I do care about - is that you are who God made you to be with nothing to prove to anyone. You have nothing to prove because in light of what our Savior did on the cross, we have nothing to give. The price has been paid. We are broken, angry, unkind, liars, selfish, pride-filled and slanderers. We have nothing to prove because we, on our own, will always come up short. Infact, only a perfect Savior who died for us can make us whole . You have nothing to prove because Jesus is ALL and in HIM ALONE we are complete and He loves you exactly how you are with nothing to prove. I know I am repeating those words over and over, but very intentionally...may you never forget!
So, whether you or dad or me fall too close to pop culture, or not close enough to pop culture, honestly, I don't care. Why? Because, my loves, what I DO know is we are only saved by His grace. And grace is something we can always offer and give. Drop your judgements! Let them fall...fall hard and shatter and give grace! There is not one thing we can do or not do that will add to our Salvation making us "more saved". Live in the freedom that it brings - it is a GIFT! And offer that gift to others because you never know what their story really is unless you dare to ask, unless you dare to draw near, unless you dare to not be afraid to be broken.
The graciously beautiful thing... Jesus' time here on earth was, in fact, not spent with just one type of person. He spent time on earth with all walks of life because He came to seek and save the lost. Did you hear that...the LOST! Not just the cool, not just the smart, not those who fit pop culture or don't, not just the nature lover, homeschooler, public schooler or private schooler. Not the just the athletes or dancers or musicians. Not just those who look like you or nothing like you at all. What cheap grace that would be! He came for the LOST and at one time we were all lost - completely lost, not partially lost. Wholly lost! It is NOT as if we can be good enough, righteous enough or smart enough! Thank you Jesus for your sweet, sweet grace that abounds deep within our souls and is not cheapened by any value we can possibly give it or attempt to give it!
Rather than continuing our or your generation's fascination with labels and opinions may it be that you, my crazies, align yourself with the word of God alone and are not afraid to run to brokenness. And may it be that the only label that fits you is the one God already assigned to you - HIS. Renew yourself by His word every single day and walk confidently that we are all made in His image even when we look different. Let His light shine from you in a dark world because light shines so much brighter in darkness. Don't walk in fear, never fear. Be brave enough, by His strength, to be a follower - HIS. And know, that when you are a follower, He may lead you to the heart of utter depravity, or to the basketball court, or to your neighborhood or to your family, or across the country or world to be HIS light. Shine!
Love, Mom
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