Our Christmas gift 8 years ago came in the form of a sweet baby girl. We hadn't been married for even a year yet - she was and is our honeymoon baby. We grew up a lot during that pregnancy and after she was born.
Jason laughed when we found out, I cried. I couldn't believe I was pregnant. But God knew what He was doing and He knew a little girl would be the best gift we could have asked for or imagined.
So the day after our first Christmas as a married couple, she came. Once again, I cried! I could not have imagined the feeling of holding her for the first time. I remember it like it was yesterday - the feelings and emotions....overwhelming.
She changed our world then and still does. (And she LOVES Chicken Garlic pizza....that's my girl!)
She is my " just so" girl, my rule follower, my little "mom", my bossy girl, my know-it-all, my tender heart. She is so tender hearted to people of all ages....and enjoys visiting at the nursing home.
She likes traveling to new places - I am certain central Illinois will not be able to hold her down.
She is so aware of God and His call in her life. She understands there is more to life than this world and it completely blows my mind....completely!She loves surprises and animals and is dying to get a Guinea Pig...hmmm I don't know if I am ready for that!
Did I mention she is bossy??? (I am pretty sure my parents would say, "just like her Mama") This sweet girl has a servants heart and loves her brothers and sister. Yes they argue and fight and I'd be lying if I said I had never seen a punch or two or ten thrown, but they also love to play together. They love to invent new things and Arae is convinced she is going to invent something like no one has before....well that is her dream today. Who knows what tomorrow holds (and this is where her daddy would say, "just like her mama" - I guess we have a hard time to committing to one thing)
We love you Arae - you bring so much joy into our lives. You are one sweet, precious gift! And incase you weren't aware, you and your sister have your daddy wrapped around your fingers...you have since the moment he saw you. (just don't let him in on this secret!)
Ahh great post Megan- great to read about your family here.
happy bday, arae!
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