bare white

bare white

7.24.2011 IS patient

I am home from church today.  Littlest one has a runny nose - nothing crazy, but I always feel bad putting her in nursery with a runny nose. So I am doing "church" at home. I was getting ready to listen to a sermon on the computer, but before I quickly checked one of my favorite blogs. It is one of those blogs that makes me STOP, and BREATHE and reminds me of what my true purpose here on earth is.  It is one of those blogs that encourages and challenges me. Sometimes I don't always like everything I read because it is convicting, but I know God is in the words penned (typed) there.  (

So I scrolled down a few days and read this Love is Patient
I needed this the other day (last wednesday to be exact) when I totally lost my cool with my kids. Yes they were being disobedient, but I went overboard...all because I was trying to finish our bedroom redo before Jase got home. I need this on those days when I just wake up to a argument between the boys about who is getting up first.  I need this when there is a "discussion" on who gets what cookie...all based on size.  I need this everyday!

After all, these precious ones are my treasures

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