bare white

bare white


Birthday boy(s)

 In July and August we had a few birthday celebrations - 1st DJ turned 35 on the 25th of July. His dad's birthday is 5 days before his and my dad's birthday is 2 days after his.
It was a beautiful day for a celebration and nothing complete's a birthday with the Whitehouse like a Cookie Cake (decorated so lovely by my sister in law)

We even made a sign...okay I made a sign ... yes I spelled birthday wrong and YES I homeschool my kids...this is scary!

This birthday boy chewing something  - he will LOVE me for this picture :)

bitty and momma...thanks Arae for taking pictures!!

only the best jelly beans will do -  starburst jelly beans

Then this month we celebrated Tank's 3rd birthday! He has been counting down the days since I have had birthday present up in the closet for him for about 3 months or so - he found out it was for him and could barely stand it.
We just do family birthday parties around here... and honestly - I really like it this way. It is simple and the kids love it and they really don't know any different. Arae has only had one birthday party a couple of years ago and I decided after that, I really like family's just a personal decision. I don't like my kids being bombarded with makes it very hard when you are trying to raise grateful kids...for me anyway. Like I said, just a person decision. Maybe as they get older we'll have a friend over, but honestly, I am looking more forward to just Jason and I taking each one out individually and doing things with them that they will remember forever (hopefully)...birthday dates! We are hoping to start this, this year with Arae - I can't wait! I already have a few ideas in store.

back to Tank...we flew kites - again, a perfect evening - high 70's with a wind - perfect for kites.

his uncle helping him out

He loved it...for a bit anyway - he was very excited for gifts :)

nothing is better than pure excitement on a childs face

typical 'Tank-face' as he is listening to daddy read his cards

he even liked the cards

this little one was having a rough couple days with teeth cutting through (though you don't know it by this face)

here it is (not the present in our closet) drumroll.....

YES! he was thrilled with his golf clubs! We had been watching him play "baseball" as if he were playing golf for months now - and he has quite the little swing - so we thought he would like some real clubs...and he did!

So did DJ - I'm really not sure who was more excited!

showing him the bag

carrying the bag...ofcourse all by himeself

DJ helping him with the first swing - it took him a bit to get used the the weight of the clubs

then he was ready....just everyone STAND back!!!

showing him the other club

Bobo was very excited too!

he smacked it good and was so proud!....hence the crazy hair dance!

Missionary friends of Emily and Frank were in town and one of them  braided Arae's hair - she loved it!

Cake time...this is where Arae took over pictures and did a great job!

By his face you can probably tell, he loved his worm cake!

It has been a good Summer! I can't believe we already have 1 week of school down - crazy! Like I have said before and will say for many years to come - time flies so I am trying not to blink!

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